FedEx Courier Service is an American multinational supply services company in the world. FedEx is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. FedEx’s full name is Federal Express, which was used from 1973 to 2000. Today FedEx is best known for its air delivery service. Now FedEx has opened a branch in Bangladesh for premium customers. Many people search the internet for FedEx Bangladesh contact numbers. Sometimes we need to contact FedEx Bangladesh’s number for various information. For this reason, in this post, we provide FedEx Courier Service in Bangladesh All Branch List, and Contact Number.
FedEx Courier Service Bangladesh
SL | Branch Name | Contact Number | Branch Address |
1 | Main Branch | +88 02 55041816 | House #16, Road#10/A, Block # H Banani, Dhaka-1213 |
2 | Motijheel | 02-9565113 | 95, Motijheel, Dhaka-1000 |
3 | Nazrul Islam Ave | 02-9130906 | 33, Kazi Nazrul Islam Ave, Dhaka-1215 |
4 | DIT Road | 02-9345261 | Ground Floor, 108 DIT Rd, Dhaka-1219 |
5 | Gulshan | 02-8413925 | 12-14, Gulshan Avenue (north), Gulshan Circle 2, Dhaka-1212 |
6 | Mirpur 1 | 02-8057383 | 72, Kallanpur Villa, 1 Mirpur Rd, Dhaka-1207 |
7 | Mirpur 10 | 02-55041816 | Road 4, Section: 10/A, Mirpur Dhaka 1216 |
8 | Mohakhali | 02-9886532 | House-313, Road-21, DOHS Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212 |
9 | Uttara | 02-8914213 | 1, Jashim Uddin Road, Sector 3, Uttara M/T, Dhaka-1230 |
10 | Chittagong | +880 31 724823 +880 31 710106 | Garcia Tofael Tower, 1st Floor 1837 Sheikh Mujib Road, Badamtoli, Chittagong |
11 | Khulna | +880 41 725008 +880 41 812005 | K.C.C. Market (1st Floor) Khan A Sabur Road, Power House More Khulna 9100 |
12 | Sylhet | +880192-9990983 | 1st Floor, Purbani Shopping Complex, East Zindabazar, Sylhet |
13 | Narayanganj | +880 2 9714336 | 72, Sirajudowla Road Kumudini Arcade, Khanpur, Narayanganj 1400 |
14 | Jashore | 01717-321384 | Rail Rd, Jashore |
15 | Siddique Bazar | 02-7175745 | 16/1, Majed Court, Siddique Bazar, North-South RD., Dhaka 1000 |
16 | Dhaka EPZ | 01700-799805 | Zone Service Building, Dhaka Export Processing Zone, 1349 |
17 | Dhaka | 02-9886532 | House-313 Rd No 21, Dhaka 1206 |
18 | Malibag | 01313-482374 | 501/2 Malibag Bagan Bari, 486, Dhaka 1217 |
19 | Dhanmondi | 02-9667074 | Awami League Office, House 52, Road 3/A, Dhanmondi, Opposite of Bangladesh, 1230 |
Know More Courier Information: RedX Courier Service All Branch List, Address, and Contact Number.
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